Wyoming ‘23

To be honest, I don’t even remember how this all came together. I remember being nervous to ask if I could tag along on the “guys” hunt across the country. But I mentioned it to Jake at some point, and next thing you know he is factoring me into the plans. We found what plan would work best, and let me tell you, it worked out PERFECT.

Fast forward, because time really did seem to go fast, and it was the end of August already which meant that it was time for Jake to leave. He left and I stayed home to work, sell my house, move, and prep for Wyoming. I finally was getting settled and it was time to get on the plane. I flew to Wyoming with Jakes other buddy that had a mule deer tag and we got there on a Thursday night. We got dinner and pitched a tent, ready to get up early and scout the next day. We spent all weekend driving miles upon miles, glassing for hours, trying to find the deer. ‘

After 3 long days, we created a game plan. Jake and Mike had tags, Rodney was filming, and I was there to learn, experience, and help any way I could. We wake up Monday morning, unzip the tent, grab our gear, and immediately start trekking in to our spot. We find somewhere to sit where four people could stay as hidden as possible in the Wyoming country, and we were ready to sit and wait for a few hours to watch the deer walk the same path they have the past three days……..

20 minutes just as the sun begins to come up, we spot two men walking straight through the middle of the open field where the deer we have been scouting walk. We quickly make the decision to relocate in hopes to find where those deer may have been pushed…… things got western quick as we did find those deer, but after chasing them for a while to get closer to them for a shot, we spooked a doe and the bucks took off running even further over the hill.

Jake, Mike, Rodney, and myself begin sprinting. Our backpacks hanging off of our backs, hanging on tight to cameras and guns. Not trying to be quiet anymore, just as quick as possible. We crest over the top of the mountain just as the deer were about to head over the top of the next hill. Mike tries to lay down to take the shot and was struggling to get a clear shot. Jake takes the shot and misses, and that’s all there was to it. The two deer hop over the next hill and before you know it, we are sitting there, defeated, watching them continue walking onto private ground 2 miles away.

It was a long 3 days following those events. Back to square one, back to glassing for hours, back to driving miles upon miles looking for deer that are no where close to where they were the last three days when we found them. It was a beautiful night, we crossed the Powder River in our underwear and hiked to the other side to find deer. Mike found an elk shed, and I got devastating news through a text message. I didn’t have enough service to respond or call home. But I enjoyed the rest of the night, the beautiful sunset, and we walked back to the river in the dark. We grabbed our wet clothes from the first go around and crossed the river again. This time, headed to a hotel to get washed up and a good nights rest.

The last day before heading home Jake filled his tag killing a nice mule deer buck and mike filled his tag with an epic hunt finding a doe. We quickly began the drive home across the country, taking turns and not stopping much, we made it home to our pups and headed right out to scout for duck hunting!

This was such a quick and short story of our Wyoming trip. There were so many great memories made, so much that was learned and shared. I truly cherish the time that I spent and who I spent it with for my first time in Wyoming and first hunting trip out of state.




First Bow Kill


My First Turkey