San Antonio ‘23

Once a year, my company hosts a conference for all of the distributors and partners. This conference is full of fun, learning, and workouts. After all, we are a health and wellness business. We prioritize nutrition and movement, even while traveling!

Attending Summit 2023 was my 3 annual work conference with this same company that I have been working with for 6 years. When working with this company, I have learned to take care of myself, put myself first, help others gain confidence & reach their goals. It’s also pretty cool that this is not only helping me and others physical and mentally but growing our income too. *insert income disclaimer – what you make depends on the work you put in*

In 6 years, this business has seen many different seasons of life. The season that I am currently in now is demanding more income. Not just because of the world and economy today, but because of the lifestyle I am striving for. I am working towards time freedom, not a ton of money… but that helps.

Being in Texas, surrounded by women who are all reaching for the same goals, wanting to learn how to help more people, to support each other in their journeys, nothing beats that. It is so powerful that I can’t even put into words how amazing it is. It gives you so much momentum and encouragement to go after your dreams and work to become the best version of you. I really can’t put it into words.

Something I do want to share with you about this year’s summit is a little hard to share…. wishing this past year and 6 months I have found myself at the lowest places. It started with gaining weight and not taking care of myself physically or mentally. When I wasn't my best self, I lost a relationship that left me heartbroken and shattered. I found myself stressed with student teaching work. I didn’t have a job, recked my car, phone and lap top died, and I quickly began counting the change out of my car. After a few months, I picked myself back up in all areas and even found love again. Fast forward to today and the only area I’m still struggling in is finances. I was so ready to sell my house, move with my boyfriend, upscale our businesses and work alongside him to create the life that we want.

I was walking to our second work session of the weekend at this work trip when I got a text saying that they couldn’t move forward with the loan for the house we have our hearts set on. This was our second no. I was devastated and hear broken. As I’m trying to cry because I felt embarrassed, like a failure, I didn’t want to talk about it or have anyone ask questions. But I couldn’t hold back the tears so I ended up explaining to everyone that we weren’t getting our home.

After sitting with my feelings for a while, I decided that it is my turn. I have a love for teaching and working with kids and I will always find a way to be involved but it is just not what I want full time right now. I decided that I am done waitressing and accepting jobs that make me miserable. I know that I have made great income with working remote and helping other achieve their goals and it was only me and my limiting beliefs stopping me from making this my full time income versus fun money.

I am going to help more people and earn an income that gets me the house and life my boyfriend and I want and deserve. I’m using the the obstacle as my opportunity and I will rise above. This business has given me life, purpose, and financial sustainability. It’s time to level up and grow that for more traveling and freedom.


My First Turkey


Taking Initiative