Taking Initiative

Taking initiative is a form of self empowerment. It’s doing without being told to do. It’s going after what you want regardless of the circumstances. Initiative is being persistent and determined.

Initiative is the privilege of picking yourself

For most of my life, I have been going through the motions. I had goals, passions, and dreams. I always thought “maybe one day” or “wouldn’t that be nice”. I always told myself that I could do anything and achieve what I set mind to…… that’s what we’re told as kids right? So I would always tell myself that. But no matter how many times I told myself that, I never truly believed it. I spoke highly of myself, believed in myself, and thought “maybe one day”.

Sure, some things I do believe that if you tell yourself over and over, you’ll start to manifest it and bring it to life. But when it comes down to it, I didn’t really believe in myself so that wasn’t going to get me anywhere. It wasn’t until I learned to take initiative and ACT on it that I started to really see the potential.

Easier said than done - - honestly. So many things are easier said than done. So many people say they are going to start a workout program, start a new hobby, learn something new. So many people even go most of the way in doing to work to create a plan, gather resources, maybe even pay for some classes or equipment. But how many follow through with the action?

According to a recent study, less than 41% of people follow through with new year resolutions. Why is it less than half of us stick to what we are so excited for??

I have always felt a love for teaching and working with kids. But I let a few people that said “it’s not worth it” get in my way causing me to choose a different school, major, and by the end of it, still follow my passion of teaching. So two schools, 3 major switches, 2 degrees, and a certificate later, I’m a teacher……….. I could’ve avoided all of that if I had just taken the initiative to do what I wanted to do and not what someone else said, or what I “thought” I should do.

The same thing goes for my hobbies and other passions. I have always been drawn to the outdoors. Hiking, traveling, fishing, hunting, etc. It’s all been on my vision board year after year after year.

That sounds so silly… putting things on my vision board year after year, saying that I’m passionate about them, but not pursuing them? Why would I do that? Why would I not be spending time doing something I feel so strongly about and that makes me happy? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I was kinda insane. What was I expecting wanting things I wasn’t working for?

It wasn’t until I took control of my health that I started to gain the confidence I needed in myself to take initiative in the things I wanted to do. I learned a lot about myself and what was holding me back. I started to familiarize myself with the feeling of being uncomfortable. I learned to cope with the feeling of being frustrated. I learned as much as I could from the mistakes I made day after day. And I began to surround myself with other like minded people. I wanted to be around people who had the same values as me. People who had the same interests. Those who were also bettering their health and working on their fitness. I joined women hunting and fishing groups. I joined rookie hunting pages. I started following local hunters and started finding some that I look up to and learn from.



San Antonio ‘23


Rookie Fishing